Glorious Masterpiece


Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lebanese girl cries crystal tears

I am wrting this article to let people know about these miracles of Allah. This is a true story. I my self also saw this news showing in our national television 5 years before.

She was a Lebanese girl. Her age was 12-years. “Hasnah Mohamed Meselmani has been producing tiny crystals at an average rate of seven a day”. Says the doctor who has seen her,and her parents. Hasnah says she feels no pain and doctors cannot explain the phenomenon. Crystals are as sharp as cut glass. I thought myself how come it will happen. How it’s coming without any wound to her eyes. It’s so sharp! But then I knew It’s a miracle of god.

"ALLAH has always shown us Miracles but we always ignore them, but now it's time we get awake or else we will loose every thing. "


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