Education is thinking
The three aim of a pupil are to possess the power of proper thinking, mutual understanding and the search for the ultimate truth. These three will develop one into a balanced personality.
Thinking should be cultivated and not learnt. Education is thinking. This is what the world is in need of. Our education consists of the perfect development of the body, mind and morals. Mind and body are connected and if one is affected, the other also would be affected. So, we should aim at the development of both body and mind. Morals are guides to them. They take the pupils right in the direction of ultimate truth.
Earth is the home of us. Just as the members of a home unite and do things for their progress, the people of the world should unite to make theire home, the world happy. True thinking will lead the way to a realization of ultimate truth.
Ultimate truth should be the aim of everyone. At present, everyone is ignorant of it. If any one says he knows it, he is the most ignorant.
The wold is a puzzles. It is entirely unknown to us. The aim of us should be to find it out as a man of wisdom does. To achieve this purpose, we should make their lives purposeful. To do this, one requires descipline and planing.