Glorious Masterpiece


Friday, August 28, 2009

This is one of my newly created 2D Animation. Below I have uploaded only the trailer of the movie.

Animation is a field I am very interested in and like to do more studies in the field. To do this animation I did self studies and created it based on my idea. Hope u would like the trailer. Full movie would be published after completion of final touches.

Now I am learning 3D animation and hope to publish an animation /characters in near future.

Crescent art is name given for my art and animation. Crescent art & design web site is in stage of design, I am trying to make it available as soon as possible.

My special thanks goes to my younger sister Athu for daubing voice for some of the parts of the cartoon.

The story Inspiration quotes are taken from Author Bob Brady.
Animation and the Trailer is created by using Macro media Flash.

Note: This trailer is uploaded in low quality